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Sunday, May 16, 2010

「Import ⇔ Export」

  Hi there,
 I am right now working on several works in both public and private, I think. For this MELTRICK English blog of mine, actually now still prior working on a Japandroids and Love live report first from drafting is coming soon. (I won't/don't want to forget about P.O.S and Dessa in March though haha.)

For its preview;

My encounter with JAPANDROIDS was..definitely this song,
(Although I forgot that it might be posted on this blog already, not sure. )

★Japandroids / "Young Hearts Spark Fire"
 (fr. Debut album "POST NOTHING" 2009)

I, of course, sparked with them.

And my encounter with LOVE IS ALL
was indeed remarkably just a couple months ago before I experienced them, was actually this song.

★LOVE IS ALL /  "Wishing well on the beach"
 (Outside live at Majorstua Subwaystation, Oslo 2008.)
(Song from Ponyvinyl debut album "Two Thousand and Ten Injuries." 2010)

I love even strong drum rolling starting of regular version on its song intro and coming highly creaky pop vocalism next on it.
(*You can find its regular beach side locating music video on youtube or somewhere. Please try to it.)


  Well, it's been May Days for me.
Someone said
  "He's ended up to get stuck into returning."
            I know it.
"That means sticking with this ever." 
            Yes I know and I hope to. 

Final distance is not just distance yet.

  Whatever, one of my working now is getting putting out someone's work from some dear Spanish site (which I will be able to show you soon after everything has done with it) and while doing work on it, I was stupidly came up with new brilliant ideas. What ideas came up with are simply "Exporting" that means for me that I should project to introducing my favorite JAPANESE MUSIC and (almost sub) cultural things, etc, here or somewhere could put on. This must be important point for me. 
 So far, Even I might have introduced like Winnie with lyrics or some English singing music by Japanese artists or some Japanese artists who have been activated in overseas in these years, but I didn't do it well because I just have been concentrated to import good-well oversea music onto my sides mainly, example this MELTRICK Japanese version blog I found to write closely at first, twitter, and mixi via this English version blog, myspace, tumblr or many uncountable informations in oversea where I am living.    

 As well as every recent works of mine, I have got a request that Japanese translation of Tegan&Sara's newest studio album "Sainthood" on my Japanese version blog. She, who requested it to me, really wants to get Japanese translation because there is no Japanese edition yet. And she and many fans of T&S need to be imported enough informations about them into Japan. When I'd put some live reports of T&S of February show in Boston on their early 2010 tour with Steel Train and Holly Miranda, it might be kinda rare info in Japan so I could get responses. I'm so glad that there are many people loved T&S and they're really willing T&S come over to play in Japan too, and my works made it well work at all. If you want read the article with many live photos of my Japanese blog about T&S, here
 (LiveFoto「Tegan&Sara@TheOrpeumTheatre,Boston2010 +Articles」)
*If I'll have enough time to transfer the article here, I will inform you. "Cause I'd want.

   Just an opposite way of this pattern, from Japan (especially underground) into oversea overground,
I should have done the way to export my favorite artists, music, and arts kind, plus my closet friends' musicians and their music or works so far. I regret that, but it's on step by step by my own pace to the world, I will do it from now on.

 Okay then, my first step, I'd really love to introduce my drum master's band called JET LILY STAR from Osaka/now in Tokyo to you. They are obviously singing Japanese ROCK MUSIC themselves.They treasure singing and playing ROCK MUSIC by Japanese. But you know what? their sounds really prefect. They're almost decade friends of mine since I was a high school band kid. They had signed with major label and released some records with a very famous producer who works for Yaida Hitomi(Yaiko), however over decade of their hard works independently, they finally end up to decide to disband in March, and making last show in the end of May, this month. I am completely sad to be able to see their farewell. But my responsibility of these writing works about music fundamentally by them at first is still continued, or rather with here to start again. So hope you'll like their music and feel real Japanese ROCK and ROLL with highly poppness.

 Even they will broke up and stop playing together, 
I hope they'll come back J-Music scene, or at least carry on playing music ever.

(previously band called TOKYO DROP ~2006, and JET KELLY 1999~2005) 

myspace (
officail Japanese site (

I will put their music videos at [Today's BGM], so please keep reading!!

* I apology and excuse 
about nea rmiss, obvious grammar errors,,,etc today.
Because I was really (or too) fascinate to write today's theme on it so.

Many Thanxx for all,


Posted on [(Sun)May/16th/2010]


【Today's BGM playlist】

JET KELLY / "手の中の未来" Original version 
(Their major debut song 2004)
("Te no naka no Mirai" / Future in our hands) 


② JET LILY STAR / "17歳" live 
 (self-released single song 2009)
("Juu nana sai" / "Age Seventeen")


JET LILY STAR / "yes" music video 
(from self-released single 2010)



Bridal photo brand, LA-Vie Factory features 
JET LILY STAR's song on their image movie for debut show
at 「Photo Collction 09」 

 (song from S/T album 2008)



For next time I will present some Japanese Music,
this is also my favorite Japanese Alternative Indie Rock Music.

Many years ago, they had even experienced SXSW show.
They really favored US Alternative Rock like Smashing Pumpkins and Dinosaur Jr. 
Nowadays, their musical and lyrical capacities are amazingly expanded. You will see.

VELTPUNCH / "DIC954" music video
(fr. major released 5th album "Paint Your Life Gray" 2008) 

Friday, May 7, 2010

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