Kennyy_MELTRICK on Twitters

And You might wanna c my history of... Eng twits: ( Jpn twits: ( & @MELTRICK: (


Quoted from MELTRICK news/works:

Welcome to my pages.
My name is Kennyy under the name MELTRICK.
Melting Tricky Trick equals my heart and MELTRICK is my solo works.
I'm a student writer of Music, raised in Niigata and worked in Osaka, Japan, moved to study English in UCONN, Connecticut, and now studying Journalism in Boston as well as self-studying Music in general. And I'm an applicant writer for Independent Music Magazine/Web/Label in English/Japanese.
I do write about music in English and Japanese.
I do tweet in English/Japanese. I do review in English/Japanse.
I do interview/translate in English/Japanese.
I'm also in some bands playing/writing songs, a drummer/guitar-vocalist/multi-mentalist.
I like playing drums or bass, rhythmical things.

I hope doing Djing as soon as possible. I choose tunes, but prefer everything under the art/fine arts.
Please feel free to contact me for offering/anything via anyways.
My Email is the bottom on this page.
If you could recognize Japanese language or even links,
take a look at my introduction page ;
>【The End of the end of ... the Starting Overs.】                                                                   (My Profile/Site Guidance in Japanese)                                                         

For my Updates in English/Japanese both;【Intro. Ever.】page(This is why I started this website.)


"Favorable"*If you have any comments, ideas for me or requests, feel free to put some on or email me or whatever you want to do for me! And if you don't mind, please give me some shits of clicks on.. each post's bottom line that you would want to choose from... "Reactions" (funny/interesting/cool/not good) whichever you have felt on.

Thnx and Hellos,
New MELTRICK website (
Now I'm working on build my own proper official web site with my friend.
And according to that, also making my business card now.

If you would like to catch me up, email me:



Originally Posted on [(Fri) June/10th/2011]
Updates on [(Fri) March/9th/2012]

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