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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Harry Potter wears bra in new 'Deathly Hallows' promo / Favorite blog; Relationship1o1: Teenage Love Affair

Hi there everyone who's watching as unknown.
Any ways, thanks a lot.  Hope you all having great Halloweens ever!!

I just have a quick post here tonight, about two things like articles.

1).I found this on MSN Entertainment and thought you might be interested in it.

 Click this link:

About ;

(I may have just watched its first one of the film series... so amazing main characters have grown  really.)


2). via twitter of my English version, got herself known to me.

Relationship1o1: Teenage Love Affair
"I met Raymond when I was 16 years old. He told me he was 19 and self employed. I didn't really care much about what he did for a livin..."

Enjoy or Got noticed something.



【Today's BGM】

- Jet Lily Star (fr. Osaka, Japan) / "bt fly high"
(fr. S/T 1st mini album)

Find more artists like Jet Lily Star at MySpace Music

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